Dental Services That Are Painless Even Without Anesthesia

5 November 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Some people avoid going to the dentist because they fear that their dental services will involve pain or discomfort. Nevertheless, many treatments that are performed by a dentist are completely pain-free, even without the use of anesthesia.  Here are a few preventive or restorative dental applications that don't involve pain. Dental Sealants The dentist applies a dental sealant as a preventive service. A sealant is a plastic barrier that the dentist places on the chewing surfaces of the molars. Read More 

Cosmetic Applications To Improve The Look Of Dental Flaws

5 November 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you would like to improve the look of your smile, cosmetic dental services can help. Many people don't have perfect-looking teeth. Nevertheless, dental misalignments, discoloration, irregular tooth shapes, and gaps can be corrected or hidden. Here are a few cosmetic applications that can improve the appearance of dental flaws. Teeth Whitening Teeth-whitening applications often use products that bleach stains from the teeth. As you eat or drink, the colorants within the food or beverage may become lodged in your tooth enamel's pores. Read More 

This Is Why X-Rays Are So Important When You’re At Wisdom Tooth Age

10 October 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

When you're in your teens and twenties, your wisdom teeth are developing, whether you know it or not. Many people don't realize that they're developing their wisdom teeth until they're already starting to break through, but dental x-rays can catch them much earlier on. Here are some of the concerns your dentist can spot with dental x-rays that you don't want to miss. Impaction One potential problem with wisdom teeth is that sometimes they experience a condition called impaction. Read More 

Dental Implant Restoration: What To Expect

8 September 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

A missing tooth can cause many problems both aesthetic and functional. Without all your teeth, the underlying bone in your jaw can begin to erode. The pressure your teeth provide when you bite and chew are necessary to continuing jaw health. Fortunately, your dentist can use dental implant restoration to replace your missing tooth. This guide can walk you through the entire process from beginning to end. 1. Consultation When you're thinking of getting dental implant restoration, your first step is making an appointment to discuss the procedure with your dentist. Read More 

This Is The One Time You Shouldn’t Brush Your Teeth

7 August 2019
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Typically, you can't go wrong with brushing your teeth. It gets rid of bacteria and plaque before it can harden and become tartar, after all. It protects your gums and prevents gum disease and cavities. But if you don't know that there's one time that you shouldn't brush your teeth, it could end up hurting you in the long run. Here's what you need to know about when you shouldn't brush your teeth. Read More