How To Improve The Appearance Of Translucent Teeth

13 December 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

It's fairly common for people to feel critical of how their teeth look. If your teeth are straight and fairly white but are translucent, you might be unsure why they look that way and how you can fix them. The good news is, translucent teeth are typically a cosmetic issue and don't require emergency care. However, if you're feeling self-conscious about your appearance, rest assured that there are easy ways to fix this problem: Read More 

Learn About Root Canals

13 November 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you have a tooth that is badly infected or extensively damaged, then you may do well with getting a root canal. A root canal is a procedure that can save the tooth, so the entire thing doesn't need to be pulled. When a tooth is pulled, then you should also undergo a tooth replacement procedure which costs you more in time, pain and money. If you feel you may be facing a root canal, then you want to learn all about them and this article will help with this: Read More 

5 Common Causes Of Malocclusion

18 October 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Malocclusion, which is the mismatch of teeth and jaws, is characterized by crooked teeth, protruded teeth and crowded teeth, among others. Apart from such cosmetic issues, malocclusion can also cause dental and health problems such as headaches and periodontal diseases. Here are some of the most common causes of malocclusion: Small Mouth Some people are born with underdeveloped or small mouths, which mean their jaws are also smaller than normal. A small mouth can lead to malocclusion if the number of teeth it supports is the same as a regular mouth, the teeth become overcrowded. Read More 

Veneers 101: A Guide To Picking The Right Type

19 September 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Are you suffering from teeth that have gaps, stains, or chips in them? You may be self-conscious about your smile and want to do something to fix the issues but don't know what to do. The great news is that you can have dental veneers placed in your mouth to correct any imperfections. It isn't a decision to take lightly, though. The veneers are considered a permanent solution and can't be taken out without a lot of pain and money. Read More 

What To Expect When You’re Planning On Getting Dental Implants

24 August 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you are dealing with a troublesome tooth, and are considering getting dental implants, then you are probably wondering what the process involves. Getting dental implants is a very intensive process and one that most people have a great deal of trepidation about. This is because of it being a lot more complicated than getting a simple cap or bridge. The implant is a very invasive procedure. However, it is also one that is sometimes the best solution, in fact, it's sometimes the only solution to a tooth that is simply too far for caps or other procedures. Read More